MATLAB: This is concerning the phased.ura documentation and row – Y vs col – Z

element positionsPhased Array System Toolboxrows vs columns vs y and z

I found this in the documentation and of course used it…:
Size Array size
Specify the size of the array as a 1x2 integer vector or an
integer. If Size is a 1x2 vector, it is in the form of
[NumberOfRows NumberOfColumns] where rows are along y-axis and
columns are along z-axis. If Size is a scalar, the array has
the same number of elements along both axes. The default value
of this property is [2 2].
Property Details
Constant false
Dependent false
Sealed false
Transient false
GetAccess public
SetAccess public
GetObservable false
SetObservable false
But when I use "viewArray" the results see to be the opposite? I think the rows are along the Z axis and the columns are along the Y axis? I think I have included enough code to test my hypothesis. You can also reference this:
% Uniform rectangular array
h = phased.URA;
h.Lattice = 'Triangular'; % This is the subarray element structure
% Create the subarray, element spacing
percentWavLengZ = 0.4761;
percentWavLengY = 0.3926;
% h.ElementSpacing = [0.0408163265306122 0.0408163265306122];
h.ElementSpacing = [lambda.*percentWavLengY lambda.*percentWavLengZ];
% Size Array size in doc under phased.URA/Size
% Specify the size of the array as a 1x2 integer vector or an
% integer. If Size is a 1x2 vector, it is in the form of
% [NumberOfRows NumberOfColumns] where rows are along y-axis and
% columns are along z-axis. If Size is a scalar, the array has
% the same number of elements along both axes. The default value
% of this property is [2 2].
h.Size = [32 16]; % Y-rows, Z-cols, this is the subarray size
% The element is just a cosine element with a exp rolloff
h.Element = phased.CosineAntennaElement('CosinePower',[2 2]);
subArrayDiag = figure;
spacingString = ['spaced at ' num2str(percentWavLengY) ' \lambda,'...
num2str(percentWavLengZ) ' \lambda'];
sizeString = [' with ' num2str(h.Size(1)) ' Rows-Y,'...
num2str(h.Size(2)) ' Cols-Z '];
title_strViewArray = [sizeString spacingString];
viewArray(h,'ShowNormals', true,'Title',title_strViewArray);

Best Answer

I think the figure is correct as it shows 32 rows and 16 columns. When the document says the rows are along y axis, it means the rows are parallel to y axis. If you look at the lower left corner of the plot, you can see the directions for y and z.