MATLAB: This has bugged me for ages…How to stop MATLAB writing/drawing outside the plot area (I’ve tried past suggestions but no luck!!)


I have the plot attached. You can see on the right side text goes outside the box area and the scattered data at the top and bottom also does the same because of their size.
I simply want the text and part of the scatter points that are outside of the box to be blanked out.
I've tried the set(h,'Clipping','on') option with no luck, and I do not want to simply change my y and x ranges leaving blank space.
Any suggestions how I can do this???
Basic code:
hold on
h1 = scatter(X,Y,23,'K','Square','Clipping','on')
h2 = scatter(X,Y,20,Z,'Square')
h3 = contour(x,y,z,[13.4 13.6 13.7 14],'k','ShowText','on')

Best Answer

Workaround: you can hide it behind another axes object.
f = figure;
aH = axes;
text(9,0.5,'Cut me pretty please');
aHPos = aH.Position;
widthDummy = 0.1;
dummyPos = [aHPos(1)+aHPos(3), aHPos(2), widthDummy, aHPos(4)];
dummyAH = axes('Position', dummyPos,'Color',f.Color, 'XColor',f.Color,...
'YColor', f.Color,'XTick',[], 'YTick', []);