MATLAB: Thingspeak Server Uptime and Lost Data

ThingSpeakthingspeak uptime and qos

Dear Support,
What is the yearly uptime or percent uptime for the Thingspeak server? Is there any guarantee on uptime?
All Thingspeak channels from different Internet WANs stopped updating on the Thingspeak server ( this morning, Jul 17 from 7:25-8:46 am GMT -0700
I'm fairly confident this is a Thingspeak service issue. Is there a way to get a notice from Thingspeak if they are expecting downtime or a server reboot, etc?
As a side note, the remote channels use a fixed Thingspeak server IP of , to avoid extra uncessary IoT data usage for continuously resolving the same Thingspeak DHCP.

Best Answer

The Application Status page indicates ThingSpeak is operating normally, and the most recent event in the Incident History that mentions ThingSpeak was reported on June 24th.
As that page says, if you're experiencing an outage that's not listed please contact Technical Support via a support request. You can do so from the link on the Application Status page or via the telephone icon in the upper-right corner of this page.