MATLAB: ThingSpeak http error code 0 but data is inserted

esp32http error code 0sim800lThingSpeak

Just tried testing esp32 with sim800L on ThingSpeak free channel. Not sure why getting the "http error code 0" because the channel values are getting inserted with new values. It is functioning, but, would be helpful if someone could point out why the http error code 0 is returned ?
int i = ThingSpeak.writeField(myBlowerChannel, 1, temp, myBlowerKey);
value of 'i' is coming '0' but the temp data is getting inserted

Best Answer

The most likely situation is that your device is doing multiple updates within the allowed update rate (every 15s as a free user, and every 1s with a paid license). The vast majority of the updates are getting a '0' response code, and that is what you are seeing.
Can you share your arduino sketch so we can suggest the modifications to be made?