MATLAB: ThingSpeak don’t update channel automatic

currentenergyesp8266espurnasonoff pow r2ThingSpeakupdate

Hello, in a ThingSpeak channel, I am reading every one second the information of two current signals (I have the licensed application).
I currently have a MATLAB Analysis routine that adds those two signals and writes, on the same channel, the result of that sum. In the routine I can check that effectively if the sum of the two channels is being done.
I do that now with a good result but my problem is that the channel is not updated except when I run MATLAB Analysis.
How can I make the channel automatically update every second?
This is my routine:
readChannelID = 123;
readAPIKey = 'XXX';
writeChannelID = 123;
writeAPIKey = 'YYY';
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CALCULO DE CORRIENTE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
[Cte1, timeStamp] = thingSpeakRead(readChannelID,'Fields',1,'numPoints', 2, 'ReadKey', readAPIKey);
anyMissingValues = sum(isnan(Cte1));
if sum(anyMissingValues) > 0
missingValueIndex = find(~sum(isnan(Cte1),2));
cleanCte1 = Cte1(missingValueIndex, :);
cleanTimeStamps = timeStamp(missingValueIndex);
cleanCte1 = Cte1;
cleanTimeStamps = timeStamp;
[Cte2, timeStamp] = thingSpeakRead(readChannelID,'Fields',4,'numPoints', 2, 'ReadKey', readAPIKey);
anyMissingValues = sum(isnan(Cte2));
if sum(anyMissingValues) > 0
missingValueIndex = find(~sum(isnan(Cte2),2));
cleanCte2 = Cte2(missingValueIndex, :);
cleanTimeStamps = timeStamp(missingValueIndex);
cleanCte2 = Cte2;
cleanTimeStamps = timeStamp;
Corriente = round([cleanCte1 + cleanCte2],1);
display (Corriente, 'Corriente')
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% VOLTAJE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
[Voltaje, timeStamp] = thingSpeakRead(readChannelID,'Fields',2,'numPoints', 2, 'ReadKey', readAPIKey);
anyMissingValues = sum(isnan(Voltaje));
if sum(anyMissingValues) > 0
missingValueIndex = find(~sum(isnan(Voltaje),2));
cleanVoltaje = Voltaje(missingValueIndex, :);
cleanTimeStamps = timeStamp(missingValueIndex);
cleanVoltaje = Voltaje;
cleanTimeStamps = timeStamp;
display (cleanVoltaje, 'Voltaje')
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CALCULO DE POTENCIA %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Potencia = round([Corriente * cleanVoltaje],0)
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CALCULO DE ENERGIA %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
[Energia1, timeStamp] = thingSpeakRead(readChannelID,'Fields',3,'numPoints', 2, 'ReadKey', readAPIKey);
anyMissingValues = sum(isnan(Energia1));
if sum(anyMissingValues) > 0
missingValueIndex = find(~sum(isnan(Energia1),2));
cleanEnergia1 = Energia1(missingValueIndex, :);
cleanTimeStamps = timeStamp(missingValueIndex);
cleanEnergia1 = Energia1;
cleanTimeStamps = timeStamp;
[Energia2, timeStamp] = thingSpeakRead(readChannelID,'Fields',5,'numPoints', 2, 'ReadKey', readAPIKey);
anyMissingValues = sum(isnan(Energia2));
if sum(anyMissingValues) > 0
missingValueIndex = find(~sum(isnan(Energia2),2));
cleanEnergia2 = Energia2(missingValueIndex, :);
cleanTimeStamps = timeStamp(missingValueIndex);
cleanEnergia2 = Energia2;
cleanTimeStamps = timeStamp;
Energia = [cleanEnergia1 + cleanEnergia2];
display (Energia, 'Energia')
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Write the results in fields 6, 7 and 8 of the same channel %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
thingSpeakWrite(writeChannelID, 'Fields', [6,7,8], 'Values',...
[Corriente, Potencia, Energia],'WriteKey',writeAPIKey);
Corriente = 3.4000
Voltaje = 116
Potencia = 394
Energia = 0.0040

Best Answer

I have followed your advice and it actually works. The channel is already updated automatically.
thanks for your help