MATLAB: ThingSpeak Channel Table Error


Hi everyone,
I am having issues with my ThingSpeak Channel only displaying certain portion of my table. When I run the visualization code on its own, I get the full table as shown here:
However, when I refresh the page to check the ThingSpeak channel, only the last row of the table is displayed.
I have tried to adjust the Display Settings on the Visualization side, but I am still getting the same issue. I have attached my code to the bottom of this post for any clarity.
Any help would be appreciated!

Best Answer

I suggest using a timetable. The uitable element is really not right for ThingSpeak.
dataTimeTable = ...
thingSpeakRead(channelId, 'OutputFormat','TimeTable','NumPoints',3,'ReadKey',readAPIKey)
Then use the second suggestion in this answer.
I did it for some traffic monitor data.
myCarData = thingSpeakRead( 38629,'numpoints',3,'outputFormat','TimeTable' );
TString = evalc('disp(myCarData)');
TString = strrep(TString,'<strong>','\bf');
TString = strrep(TString,'</strong>','\rm');
TString = strrep(TString,'_','\_');
FixedWidth = get(0,'FixedWidthFontName');
% Output the table using the annotation command.
'FontName',FixedWidth,'Units','Normalized','Position',[0 0 1.5 1],'FontSize',7);
I had to change the font size to get thigns to fit due to the long field names. You might be able to make that larger.