MATLAB: Thingspeak, change data

change valuedownloadexportimportThingSpeakupload

I'm trying to change a single value in a Thingspeak graph, but no results…
First I exported the data, changes the value and uploaded the file again, but the error says 'timestamp already exists'. True ofcourse, I trying to change that specific value.
It this at all possible? If so, how?

Best Answer

If you want to change the data in a channel, you can clear the channel and re-upload the data.
1) Log in to ThingSpeak and go to the channel in question.
2) Channel -> "Data Import/Export" tab and export all your data to a file. Edit the file and make the changes you want.
3) Channel -> Settings -> Clear channel.
4) Channel -> "Data Import/Export" tab and upload the data from step (2).