MATLAB: Thermal PDE in cylindrical coordinates at the origin

cylindrical coordinatesPartial Differential Equation Toolboxpdethermal

I have a problem with a thermal PDE in cylindrical coordinates. I followed the example in Heat Distribution in Circular Cylindrical Rod .
The script runs without errors, however the solution has peculiar spot at z = 0, r = 0 where the Temperature is constantly zero. The heat source at that spot is well larger than zero and all around the spot a temperature which is as expected is reached.
I tried changing several of the pde SolverOptions or choose the mesh differently, however nothing of what I tried was successful.
Does anybody have an idea what I can do to fix this issue?
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

My error was in not transforming the boundary condition correctly. I had assumed that the BC in the example just had a curios form, but the *region.y originated from the transfer to cylindrical coordinates.
With the correct BC the solution makes sense on the whole domain.