MATLAB: Thermal conductivity, pde toolbox

thermal conductivity

Dear all,
I have a question concerning the pde tool box. Indeed, I would like to model the thermal behaviour of a cyclindrical battery. For said purpose, I would like to specify the thermal conductivities in the x and y directions. How can I specify said parameters using the following code?
specifyCoefficients(Thermal, 'm',0,…% 'd',(para.rho)/para.cp,…%rho*cp 'c',???,…%k 'a',0,…%0 'f',Heat)%source
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Hi Juan,
I recommend using the new ThermalModel workflow.
In the ThermalModel based workflow you can use the function thermalProperties to define thermal conductivity, mass density, and specific heat, all of which can also be function spatial coordinates (x,y) and the temperature itself (nonlinear).
For example if your thermal conductivity is linear function of x & y, then you can define the thermal conductivity as a function:
function k = kFunc(region,state)
k = 1 + 0.1*region.x + 0.01*region.y;
You can then specify kFunc in thermalProperties function as in the example below:
model = createpde('thermal','transient');
R = solve(model,[0,0.01])
Regards, Ravi