MATLAB: The var6 appear divide by 1000

kmeansMATLABvector divided

Hi, everyone i'm preparing a script for solve several things, among those the kmean, but i have noted that vector called "var6" appear divided by 1000, when i write in the command windows "disp(Var6)", but distinctly, the other five variables when i "disp" each one appear or are printed correctly as it are in spreedsheet of excel, can you help me to detect why var6 is divided by 1000?.
Finally, i need to detect the "hour" of each one of my 7 cluster, how can i do that?, for locate the tipical behaviour in every one of my 7 cluster of data.
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

You've not showed use the display in question, but more than likely it's simply the Matlab logic to display widely disparate values in an array in a succinct fashion. The internal values (as shown by looking at the individual values as you've done) are not affected; it's only a display artifact.
Example, since we can't see yours specifically--
>> x=[pi*10^6 1];
>> disp(x)
1.0e+06 *
3.1416 0.0000
>> x(1)
ans =
>> x(2)
ans =
That look similar to your problem? If you have need for a specific format, write the results specifically--
>> fprintf('%.2f %d\n',x)
3141592.65 1
As for the other question, I've no klew what you're asking; can you explain further w/ and example, maybe?