MATLAB: The sum of the two gaussian distributions


ratio1 = 25;
ratio2 = ratio1/4;
mu1 = 7.5;
FWHM1 = 60;
sigma1 = FWHM1/(2*sqrt(2*log(2)));
w1 = -100:100;
p1 = -.5 * ((w1 - mu1)/sigma1) .^ 2;
p2 = (sigma1 * sqrt(2*pi));
gauss1 = ratio1*exp(p1) ./ p2;
mu2 = -7.5;
FWHM2 = 55;
sigma2 = FWHM2/(2*sqrt(2*log(2)));
w2 = -100:100;
p3 = -.5 * ((w2 - mu2)/sigma2) .^ 2;
p4 = (sigma2 * sqrt(2*pi));
gauss2 = ratio2*exp(p3) ./ p4;
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How can I sum two distribution to obtain a plot representing the sum of two gaussian distributions?

Best Answer

If you literally want the sum (as opposed to some kind of joint probability), you can just add the two:
You can do that here because you calculated gauss1 and gauss2 over the same range.