MATLAB: The sum of the loop elements


Welcome! First of all sorry for my english. I would like to calculate the average latitude between the individual elements of the loop.
delta = 10;
i = 0;
lambda_z_i = lambda_A + i * delta;
while (lambda_z_i < 120)
i = i + 1;
lambda_z_i = lambda_A + i * delta;
fprintf('Longitude : %.4f \n', lambda_z_i);
fi_z_i= atand(tand(fi_w)*cosd(r));
fprintf('Latitude: %.4f \n', fi_z_i);
What do I mean exactly? The loop displays the results:
Longitude: 45.0000
Latitude: 56.3850
Longitude: 55.0000
Latitude: 61.2754
Longitude: 65.0000
Latitude: 64.4266
Longitude: 75.0000
Latitude: 66.4204
Longitude: 85.0000
Latitude: 67.5734
Longitude: 95.0000
Latitude: 68.0493
Longitude: 105.0000
Latitude: 67.9112
Longitude: 115.0000
Latitude: 67.1410
Longitude: 125.0000
Latitude: 65.6340
I would like to calculate:
First: (fi_A Latitude + Latitude 1 from the loop)/2: ---> 50+56.3850/2=53.1925
next: (Latitude 1 from the loop + Latitude 2 from the loop)/2 --->56.3850+61.2754=58.8302
next: (Latitude 2 from the loop + Latitude 3 from the loop)/2 --->61.2754+64.4266=62.8510
How can i do this?

Best Answer

First of all you need to store the values of fi_z_i in every iteration, so that you end up with a vector consisting of all latitudes. Let's call this vector lats. To store values, add this line at the end of the loop.
You may also want to learn about preallocating the variable lats, to make the code more effective.
Assuming you have this vector, you can then use conv() to calculate a moving average.
A=[fi_A lats];
weights=[1 1]/2; %use window of 2 elements and equal weights