MATLAB: The second output doesn’t appear

functioninverse kinematics

Hi guys,
I have a simple code here. What am I trying to achieve is to get the values of theta1 and theta2 (basically, this is an inverse kinematics). the code gives the output, the problem now is, it is just give me the first output.
Here is the coding
function[theta1_deg,theta2_deg]= inverse_two_links(x2,y2)
r2 = 0.1404;
l1 = 0.3132;
cos_theta2 = (x2^2+y2^2-l1^2-r2^2)/(2*l1*r2);
sin_theta2 = sqrt(1-cos_theta2*cos_theta2);
theta2 = atan2(sin_theta2,cos_theta2);
k1 = l1 + r2 * cos(theta2);
k2 = r2 * sin(theta2);
theta1 = atan2(y2,x2) - atan2(k2,k1);
theta2_deg = theta2 * 180 /pi;
theta1_deg = theta1 * 180 /pi;
when i execute the code for instance, x=-0.1404,y=0.3132, it just give me only 90 degree which is for theta1. Could you help me to figure out, what happened actually in my code?
Thanks in advance..

Best Answer

By default, MATLAB only returns the first output of a function if only one output is requested. To get both, ask for both. Call your function as:
[theta1_deg,theta2_deg]= inverse_two_links(x2,y2);