MATLAB: The scope doesn’t show the correct signal

MATLABscopeSimscapeSimscape Electricalsimulink

i'm trying to simulate a simple AC circuit in simulink, i put a sinusoidal signal in a AC voltage source with 50V peak, and a resistance of 10 ohms in serie with the voltage source, that's all the circuit, when i measure the voltage using the scope it works and i see the correct waveform, but when i look for the current using the scope i don't see anything, (i am measuring the current in serie with the resistence and the voltage source)

Best Answer

Hi Cristian
you modeled the circuit as open. Putting a voltage sensor there won't close the circuit to allow current to flow. So the result are correct. You need to properly close the circuit and place the sensor appropriately:
see this shipping example as well:
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