MATLAB: The Same Matlab code runs slow on AMD 2990WX-based PC and runs fast (4x times faster) on 8700k-based PC

amd 2990wxMATLABruns slow on amd cpu

My Matlab code (2018a & 2017a) runs very slow (2200 seconds) on AMD 2990WX-based PC (32cores 64threads all cores runs at 3.5GHZ, 64G RAM) and runs fast (600seconds, 3.5x times faster) on Intel 8700k (6cores 12threads at 4.0GHZ, 32GRAM). Please advise on how I can fix it ?

Best Answer

This is because the numeric library matlab uses is the Intel MKL Library which, when run on AMD uses SSE instead of AVX2 (although your Threadripper can run AVX2 code).
Its Intels method to keep up the marketshare.
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