MATLAB: The Game of Life explodes with rule 1133

cellular automatagame of life

Actually the patterns are respected in most of the Game of Life rules, not only the classical one which is Life2333 or B23/S3. The problem is that with a specific rule B1/S3 it doesn't work. I tried different rearrangement of the code, always the same problem with rule B1/S3.
Here a paper on Rule1133.

Best Answer

Vladimiro - all cells in the image go white not because all cells alive but rather because all cells are dead. I think that this colouring behaviour is just due to the use of pcolor. For example,
L = 50;
x = 0:L;
y = 0:L;
produces the same figure as does
So all cells being the same colour does not necessarily mean that all cells are alive, but rather that all cells have the same state. And that state, in your case, is that all cells are dead. Why?
Review your birth and survival rules. I found that if I used
Sur = [1];
Bor = [2 3];
then I observed a much better evolution that spanned 100 generations. Check out the patterns at Game of Life to ensure that your software behaves in an identical manner for each of the pattern. (You may need to change the survival and birth rules 2,3 and 3 respectively. If you do so, you will observe - with your last defined initial population - the blinker pattern.) Also, just after the drawnow add a pause of 0.25 milliseconds using
just to pause the script and control slow the flow from one iteration to the next.