MATLAB: The Game of Life Board

gameboardMATLABthe game ff life

Main_path = 1:150
Player1_turn = 0;
Player2_turn = 0;
for k = 1:length(Main_path)
For a project im recreating The Game of Life in Matlab, To create the board I have decided to utilize arrays. The board will have a total of 150 spaces and in order to move forward the player must use a spinner which goes from 1-10. I also have to choose pre-determined spaces to symbolize the action and payday spaces therefore i want to do it every 6 spaces there will be a payday space (which will be green) the rest should be yellow spaces. For now i cant figure out how to make the player move the amount of spaces depending on the number it gets on the spinner. So for example the spinner rolled 5 so the player moves 5 spaces. Then rolls 7 then the player moves 7 spaces therfore the player's position is Main_path(12)

Best Answer

redpos = next_red_position(position); %function call
newposition = position + spinner_value;
go_again = false;
if newposition >= redpos
position = redpos;
go_again = true;
elseif newposition > last_position
do something if you have passed the end
position = newposition;
if position == last_position
do something when you reach the end
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