MATLAB: The function that I created won’t be called

calling a functionfunctionfunction callingtext to speechtexttospeechtoo many arguments

I have a code that convert text to speech, I added the "function" keyword to it so it became a function. When I run it as a function, it works perfectly!
But I am struggling to call that function in another script I wrote -with the intention of making use of the function I made by calling it- but to no vail! it can not be called ;( when I type its name in the other script, it just seems like its an ordinary word and not a function!
the error I get is: >> eegamplitude
Error using relaxed
Too many output arguments.
Error in eegamplitude (line 4)
A = relaxed;
although I'm pretty sure that I created it correctly and that the new script is being run in the same folder where the function file is stored!
PLEASE help! it is urgent ;( Thanks to whoever answers, in advance <3
%relaxed function
function relaxed
userPrompt = 'Enter the TEXT';
titleBar = 'Text to Speech';
defaultString = 'I am relaxed!';
caUserInput = inputdlg(userPrompt, titleBar, 1, {defaultString});
if isempty(caUserInput)
caUserInput = char(caUserInput);
obj = System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer;
obj.Volume = 100;
Speak(obj, caUserInput);
%stressed function
function stressed
userPrompt = 'Enter the TEXT';
titleBar = 'Text to Speech';
defaultString = 'I am stressed!';
caUserInput = inputdlg(userPrompt, titleBar, 1, {defaultString});
if isempty(caUserInput)
caUserInput = char(caUserInput);
obj = System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer;
obj.Volume = 100;
Speak(obj, caUserInput);
%the code that I thought I can call my functions with
function eegamplitude
for m = 1:6
if m < 4
A = relaxed;
else A =stressed;

Best Answer

From the error message you showed, on line 4 of eegamplitude you're calling relaxed with 0 input arguments and 1 output argument.
Let's look at the definition of relaxed.
%relaxed function
function relaxed
This function is defined to accept a maximum of 0 input arguments and return a maximum of 0 output arguments.
See the section "Syntax for Function Definition" on this documentation page for instructions on how to define a function that returns output arguments. Or, if relaxed is supposed to not return any output arguments, remove the output argument from your call to relaxed on line 4 of eegamplitude.