MATLAB: The following error occurred converting from sym to double: Unable to convert expression into double array.


This part is included in a function called myf2(w,k):
function f= myf2(w,k)
i = sqrt(-1);
fm = @(x) (1/sqrt(2*pi))* exp(-x.^2/2);
dfm = @(x) -x.*fm(x);
fun = @(x) dfm(x) / (x-w/k);
w0 = max(imag(w/k),0);
a = -10+w0*i;
b = 10+w0*i;
N = 100;
R = dfm(w/k);
x = linspace(a,b,N+1);
syms wn x
wn = sym(zeros(1, N)); % <------- Something is wrong here
f_int = int(fun, x, a, b);
A = vpa(f_int);
f = k^2 - A - 2*pi*i*R;
This is where I call the function:
for ix = 1:Nx
for iy = 1:Ny
z = x(ix) + I*y(iy);
tmp = myf2(z,k);
f(ix,iy) = abs(tmp);
After this I'm getting an error! Please help me out!

Best Answer

Do you have to perform symbolically? Does not look like the integral exists. Why not numerically?
function f= myf2(w,k)
dfm =@(x) -x.*(1/sqrt(2*pi)).* exp(-x.^2/2);
fun =@(x) -x.*(1/sqrt(2*pi)).* exp(-x.^2/2)./ (x-w/k);
w0 = max(imag(w./k),0);
a = -10+w0*1i;
b = 10+w0*1i;
R = dfm(w./k);
A = integral(fun,a,b);
f = k^2 - A - 2*pi*1i*R;