MATLAB: The extrinsic function ‘svmpredict’ is not available for standalone code generation. It must be eliminated for stand-alone code to be generated. It could not be eliminated because its outputs appear to influence the calling function. Fix this error

classificationclusteringmatlab coderStatistics and Machine Learning Toolboxsupport vector machinesvm

Hello, I am using MATLAB Coder. When I generate my code MATLAB to c code, I get this problem and I don't know how to fix it.
"The extrinsic function 'svmtrain' is not available for standalone code generation. It must be eliminated for stand-alone code to be generated. It could not be eliminated because its outputs appear to influence the calling function. Fix this error by not using 'svmtrain' or by ensuring that its outputs are unused."

Best Answer

In this kind of situation, if possible, the best possible solution is to write the function by yourself and embed it into a MATLAB Function block in Simulink.