MATLAB: The external toolbox does not display enough parameters when setting the path. How to solve it

add path

>> LFToolboxPath = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'));
fprintf('Adding paths for LF Toolbox ');
addpath( fullfile(LFToolboxPath) );
addpath( fullfile(LFToolboxPath, 'SupportFunctions') );
addpath( fullfile(LFToolboxPath, 'SupportFunctions', 'CameraCal') );
fprintf('%s, done.\n', LFToolboxVersion);
Adding paths for LF Toolbox ??? Error using ==> fullfile
Not enough input arguments.

Best Answer

You are using MATLAB R14, from June 2004, a full decade before the Lightfield Toolbox was released. It is likely you will encounter problems.
You could try changing the line
addpath( fullfile(LFToolboxPath) );
addpath( LFToolboxPath );
Do not change the remaining addpath() calls. I suspect that back then, fullfile() always expected at least two parameters.