MATLAB: The External Model of c28x_serial_ext.slx doesn’t work

c2000external mode

Hello, every one.
I'm tring test c28x_serial_ext.slx exmple with my F28335 eZdsp board, with MATLAB 2015a. But I get the error message :
Unable to connect to the 'TI Delfino F2833x' target for 'test3_serial_ext'.
The only difference between my test3_serial_ext model and the exmple c28x_serial_ext.slx provided in MATLAB 2015a is that in the "Target Hardware Resources->External mode" setting,I used COMPort COM3 instead of the default value COM10.
COM3 is a USB-SERIAL CH340 com port in my host computer. I'm wondering that Simulink even doesn't download the test3_serial_ext.out to my eZdsp board:
I first download a standalone executable model to eZdsp which blink the DS2 LED in the board.
While during I run the test3_serial_ext model under external mode, the LED never stopped. Does that mean simulink not download the test3_serial_ext.out to the eZdsp board and run it?
Any one can tell me why I can't run my test3_serial_ext in external mode ?

Best Answer

Hi Shiming Liu,
By default example model is configured for F28335 control card with XDS 100 debug interface. If you are using the eZDSP board, select the "$(TARGET_ROOT)/CCS_Config/f28335_eZdsp.ccxml" as the CCS configuration file (Hardware Implementation-> Target Hardware Resources-> Build options -> CCS hardware configuration <file:)>.
If this does not fix the issue please try to connect to your hardware using CCS.
Hope this helps. Thanks, Sumith