MATLAB: The error message “DOUBLE cannot convert the input expression into a double array”


syms x i z;
lambda=1/(10.^((20 - (128.1+37.6*log10(150.*10^-3)))./10));
What i like to calculate is last term of above code.
But there is some strange error.
(Error:DOUBLE cannot convert the input expression into a double array If the input expression contains a symbolic variable, use VPA. 오류 발생: sym/double (line 588) Xstr = mupadmex('symobj::double', S.s,0);)
When i set 'lambda = 1', above code doesn`t show me error.
But when purely run above code, error occurs.
I don`t know what is wrong.
Thank you!

Best Answer

When that happens, the meaning is that it was not able to find a numeric integral for the expression.
When I plot the expression, I find that it is all fairly small (or extremely small) values, except between about 1.3E-7 and 9.0E-7, with the peak at about 3.5559578143593540162E-7 where it reaches about 85885.334826. It is essentially not worth integrating outside that range. The overall integral marginally exceeds 0.0106219
You could use matlabFunction() to convert the symbolic expression to a function handle, and then use integral() on that. However, if you integrate much further out than 0 to 0.01 then it will not notice the hump near 1E-7 and will give you a totally inaccurate answer.
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