MATLAB: The entries in tspan must strictly increase or decrease.

ode 45

tInitial = 0.0038170565243983781145153955094429;
tFinal = 0.0038170565244015157956025685592749;
tspan = [tInitial tFinal];
[t,N] = ode45(@(t,N) thisObj.diffusionalGrowth(), tspan, oldDia);
Not able to figure out whats going wrong.

Best Answer

What ODE are you trying to integrate over such a short period of time? What is your time-unit? tFinal-tInitial is on the order of 1e-15! In my field of I occasionally work with chemical reaction-diffusion systems but I certainly dont have time-resolutions on femto-second time-scales, even if your time is in hours that time-span would correrspond to ~1e-12 s, and not much diffusion will occur at those time-scales...