MATLAB: The demo of hdlcoder_s​obel_seria​l_eml.mdl

embedded matlabhdlHDL Codersimulink

In the sobel_edge_eml of sobel_edge_hardware of hdlcoder_sobel_serial_eml.mdl, there are three inputs u, thresh and C in the function. However, just an u is connected with this block. And I find thresh = 157 and C = 100 in workspace. So how are the two values generated?

Best Answer

I couldn't find this demo model in R2010b - did you download it off our website?
From what I can tell, it looks like the block in question is an Embedded MATLAB Fcn block with 'u' as input. The other inputs are actually parameters of the function (these are registered from the Ports and Data Manager of Embedded MATLAB). So, although they appear as inputs from the function prototype, they are not actually inputs to the block, but resolved from the workspace.