MATLAB: The code I have written is not working,I think experts help me to correct and run this code.

currenciesimage processing

prompt = 'Enter the file name of the image: ';
input = input(prompt,'s');
TestImage = imfilter(Test, fspecial('average', [3 2]));
[Corr_Coefficient,index] = CorrelationCoefficient(Target,Test,Dom_Colour);

Best Answer

>> Target=cat(3,'im0040.jpg','im0052.jpg')
1×10×2 char array
Target(:,:,1) =
Target(:,:,2) =
It is not clear to me why you would want to take the Correlation Coefficient of a 3 dimensional array of characters ?
Perhaps you were thinking of reading the files to get the content using imread().
But if so, then keep in mind that .jpg files are almost always RGB, which is 3D matrices already. If you were to cat() two of those together along the third dimension, that would fail if they were different sizes of images, but if they were the same size of image you would end up with something that was height by width by 6, which is unlikely to be what you want.
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