MATLAB: Textscan with blocks of data with headers to individual block


Hi All,
I am trying to extract to following data with textscan. But I am not able to implement it correctly. Each block consists of 11 data lines and 8 unnecessary lines to exclude.
Data file (testdata.dat) is :
Data Header: Time: 100.16064 Sec 10/8/2012 3:32:17 PM
Data Acquisition: T
Station Name: default
Test File Name:
Axial Axial Axial
segments mm kN
0 -0.19470811 -0.0067140702
0 -0.19806515 -0.0033570339
0 -0.19806515 -0.0033570339
0 -0.19470811 -0.0067140702
0 -0.16785182 -0.0033570339
0 -0.16785182 -0.0067140702
0 -0.13763849 -0.0067140702
0 -0.12421035 -0.0067140702
0 -0.10742517 -0.0033570339
0 -0.11413924 -0.0033570339
0 -0.14099553 -0.0033570339
Data Header: Time: 100.16064 Sec 10/8/2012 3:32:17 PM
Data Acquisition: T
Station Name: default
Test File Name:
Axial Axial Axial
segments mm kN
0 -0.16785182 -0.0033570339
0 -0.20813625 -0.0067140702
0 -0.2316355 -0.0067140702
0 -0.25513476 -0.0067140702
0 -0.29206216 -0.0033570339
0 -0.35584584 -0.0067140702
0 -0.40620136 -0.0067140702
0 -0.47334209 -0.0067140702
0 -0.55055392 -0.0067140702
0 -0.61098057 -0.0067140702
0 -0.70162052 -0.010071106
My implementation is
fileID = fopen('testdata.dat');
formatSpec = '%d %f %f';
clear C
k = 0;
N = 11;%Block size
while ~feof(fileID)
k = k+1;
C(k,1:3) = textscan(fileID,formatSpec,N,'HeaderLines', 8);%'CommentStyle','##',
Please correct my code. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Modified version of your code
fid = fopen('RajRaj.txt');
formatSpec = '%d%f%f';
clear C
k = 0;
N = 11; %Block size
while ~feof( fid )
k = k+1;
C( k, 1:3 ) = textscan( fid, formatSpec, N, 'HeaderLines', 8 );
fclose( fid );
check the output
>> whos C
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
C 2x3 1112 cell
"Please correct my code" &nbsp I didn't try your code and isn't sure why it doesn't work. It's tricky to count header-lines. An ending new-line matters.
Here is another function that uses &nbsp fileread &nbsp and &nbsp regexp
>> g = read_blocks_of_numerical_data( 'RajRaj.txt', 150 );
>> g{:}
ans =
0 -0.1947 -0.0067
0 -0.1981 -0.0034
ans =
0 -0.1679 -0.0034
0 -0.2081 -0.0067
Where both the function and the sample text file are attached. The magical number &nbsp 150 &nbsp is the minimum number of bytes in a block of numerical data. The entire file must fit in memory together with the result.
And one more function
>> M = RajRaj()
M(:,:,1) =
0 -0.1947 -0.0067
0 -0.1981 -0.0034
M(:,:,2) =
0 -0.1679 -0.0034
0 -0.2081 -0.0067
function M = RajRaj()
xpr = '(?<=kN)[ 0-9\.\+\-e\r\n]++(?=(Data Header:)|(\s*$))';
str = fileread( 'RajRaj.txt' );
cac = regexp( str, xpr, 'match' );
M = nan( 11, 3, length( cac ) );
for jj = 1 : length( cac )
M( :, :, jj ) = str2num( cac{jj} );
I believe there is a reason why Matlab doesn't include a good functions to read a file with many blocks of numerical data.