MATLAB: Textscan does not output more than 4 decimal digits


I have a comma delimited file and trying to read it using textscan
2011.02.25 8:04 1.38273 1.38309 1.38269 1.38307 71
fid = fopen(fullname);
out = textscan(fid, '%s %s %f %f %f %f %f %f', 'delimiter', ',', 'MultipleDelimsAsOne', 1);
However it always outputs me 4 decimal digits not 5 as in file even if i use format like e.g. %7.5f where it sholud output 5 digits
Any idea ??

Best Answer

You're being fooled by the display format. Type in the command line (or access the var from the var editor):
format long