MATLAB: Text labeling with contourfm colorbar

colorbarcontourfmstringstext labels

Hello All,
I have been trying to label a colorbar with text with a figure resulted from the contourfm, while I do have some success I cannot get the first text value to appear.
with a simple contourf it does show up but when i plot with contourfm then it misses values.
What I am after is for the colorbar to include all legend_Names2, staring with the first one on the far left.
I attach the following working code snippet
Data= magic(2); % mock data
legend_Names2={'Opt1','Opt2','Opt3','Opt4'}; % mock legend strings
R = georasterref('RasterSize', size(Data),'Latlim',[30 31], 'Lonlim', [2 3]);
cbh.XTick = [floor(min(xlim(cbh))):1:ceil(max(xlim(cbh)))]; % create Colobar ticks incrementaly by 1
Thank you all in advance.

Best Answer

The value of floor(min(xlim(cbh))) evaluates to 1. The min value of the colorbar is 1.25. So the Tick for 1 is outside the colorbar and hence not visible.
cbh.XTick = linspace(min(xlim(cbh)),ceil(max(xlim(cbh))),4);
or something similar.