MATLAB: Text in plot with symbol and fractions

fractionslatexMATLAB and Simulink Student Suiteplotsymbol [~]

newbie here and first question
I need the place a text in a plot and i use
str1=cat(2,'x(\infty)=',num2str(y(1,end),'%1.4f'),', $1 -\frac{1}{\alpha(2)}$=',num2str(yt,'%9.4f'));
it doesnt use the simbol for alpha and dont use fractions
I also tried interpretar latex command, but maybe in the wrong position
how can i solve please?
is there a way to go head for the fractions, in other way to write 2 rows text in a single command?

Best Answer

Try this:
str1={['$x(\infty)=',num2str(y(1,end),'%1.4f'),'$'], ['$1 -\frac{1}{\alpha(2)}=',num2str(yt,'%9.4f') '$']};
text(0.05,(1-0.05),str1, 'Interpreter','latex')
I am not certain what result you want. There may be easier and more efficient ways to create these strings, however this works.
Alternatively, if you want them on one line:
str1={['$x(\infty)=',num2str(y(1,end),'%1.4f'),'$, $1 -\frac{1}{\alpha(2)}=',num2str(yt,'%9.4f') '$']};
text(0.05,(1-0.05),str1, 'Interpreter','latex')