MATLAB: Text import – number of rows

text file

Hi, I have the following code to read in a bunch of data from a textfile as shown below. In this example, the number of rows is 5. But, I don't always know the number of rows, so I want the code to read all the rows and calculate how many automatically. Anyone know how to?
fid = fopen(filename1);
Q{i,1}=textscan(fid,'%u %f %f %f %f %f %f',n,'headerlines',rad(i)+4);
127 -0.29784E-03 0.64028E-06-0.23385E-02 0.24409E-06 0.13348E-06-0.69277E-03
128 -0.33237E-03-0.43242E-06-0.33875E-02 0.82221E-06 0.24963E-06-0.14770E-02
129 -0.40024E-03-0.28975E-06-0.52177E-02 0.40892E-06 0.23521E-06-0.23949E-02
130 -0.49607E-03-0.50922E-06-0.79652E-02 0.69354E-06 0.49298E-06-0.35142E-02
131 -0.61997E-03-0.63708E-06-0.11812E-01 0.92476E-06 0.94470E-06-0.49007E-02

Best Answer

See if my solution in Importing a .csv to matlab, delimiter problem will work in your application.