MATLAB: Testing if an input is numeric or character

MATLABmatlab gui

Hi folks, i'm implementing a software on appDesigner and i want to prevent wrong entries from users.
I've tried to use the folowing code but it's not working. My gol would be, check if the user entered with a number or character. If it's a number then OK, otherwise open a warning dialog box informing the error and then stop the program.
I don't know how to get the logical answer of "teste_potencia" and use it!
The way i've writed it's not working.
Sbase_gerador = str2double(strrep((app.potencia.Value),',','.'));
teste_potencia = isnumeric(Sbase_gerador)
if ~teste_potencia
opts= struct('WindowStyle','modal','Interpreter','tex');
potencia_incorreta = warndlg('\fontsize{11}Caracteres diferentes de números não são aceitos.',...
'Entrada incorreta de dados', opts);

Best Answer

if isnan(Sbase_gerador)