MATLAB: Testing for the presence of a substring in a cell array of strings

searching a cell array of strings

I have a very basic question but couldn't find an answer after searching.
I wish to test if a multi-element cell array of strings contains a substring anywhere within the cell array's text, returning a logical true or false answer. For example, given the cell array of strings x:
x = {'qwer','asdf','zxcv'};
I wish to test if the substring 'xc' is present somewhere in x's text (true in this example).
The method I came up with is as follows:
First, concatenate the elements of the cell array of strings into a single character string, preserving the original character order:
y = char(x);
y = y';
y = y(:)'; % y now equals 'qwerasdfzxcv'
Then, test for the presence of the substring in the concatenated string:
~isempty(strfind(y,'xc')) % ans = true
~isempty(strfind(y,'123')) % ans = false
Is there a better way to do this that involves less array manipulation? Thank you for your assistance.

Best Answer

matches = strfind(x,'xc');
tf = any(vertcat(matches{:}))