MATLAB: Test and Measurement tool does not see GPIB Controller


Matlab 2019b, installed NI-488.2 v19.5 and NI-VISA v19.5, trying to use a NI GPIB-USB-HS controller that was working on a different computer. NI MAX recognizes the GPIB controller and allows me to query the TDS 3054B that it is connected to. Matlabs tmtool does not see the controller when I scan for devices. Attempting to open a GPIB or VISA object through code gives the error:
Unsuccessful open: GPIB: NI: A device was not found at the specified primary address. OR
Unsuccessful open: Could not open VISA object. Use INSTRHWINFO for a list of available configurations.
Using instrhwinfo gives:
>> instrhwinfo('gpib', 'ni')
ans =
HardwareInfo with properties:
AdaptorDllName: 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2019b\toolbox\instrument\instrumentadaptors\win64\mwnigpib.dll'
AdaptorDllVersion: 'Version 4.1'
AdaptorName: 'ni'
InstalledBoardIds: [1×0 double]
ObjectConstructorName: {}
VendorDllName: 'gpib-32.dll'
VendorDriverDescription: 'NI-488'
I also used Matlabs "Instrument Control Toolbox Support Package for National Instruments VISA and ICP Interfaces" to install NI-IVI 16.0.1, but that did not help.

Best Answer

I subsequently installed NI-488.2 17.6, and although it doesn't seem to have actually installed that driver (due to the newer 19.5 driver already being there), somehow that fixed the problem. I now see the GPIB controller in both NI MAX and tmtool.