MATLAB: Temporal treatment of special row or column of frames in video

image analysisImage Processing Toolbox

hi i have a video and i want to consider the action of sequential frames for special x and all y with that x. this means instead i show xy plane in each frame i want to see yt plane for x=120 in sequential frame in video how can i do this?(if my frame size in 240×320 i want to see yt plane for x=120 means the temporal treatment of x=120 for frames)please help me

Best Answer

Initialize an accumulation array of the same height and number of colors, and the number of frames will be the columns direction. Read in each frame (search this forum for rhinos.avi for my demo), then extract a column and insert it into your accumulation array where the column number to insert is the frame number you're on. Let me know if you can't figure it out from that description.
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