MATLAB: Target just the last added entries to a matrix

array calculationsmatricesmatrix manipulation

Hey, I am working with matrices and I wanted to know if there is a standard way/code to target just the last added entries to a matrix. I used the general syntax for appending data points to a matrix (A= [A;B]) and I wanted to know if there was an analogous general method for targetting the last added entries into a matrix. For example, I append 4 sets of coordinates to a matrix and now I want to call just those 4 sets from the matrix and use them for next step in my code. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

As commented:
A(end-n:end, :)
will give you the last n+1 rows of the (2D) matrix.
does your solution only work with a loop
Why do you think that? There's no loop involved in that line. It's basic matrix indexing using the end keyword.