MATLAB: Tall array apply movmean function

errorMATLABmovmeantall array

Hi there,
I am using Matlab 2016b and have the Statistics and Machine Learning as well as parallel computing toolbox installed.
Now, I am trying to go through a subset of data, to create the moving average per line into a new column called foundaTempMA with the following code:
tt.foundaTempMA = movmean(tt.Var5,3,'omitnan');
The issue is I get the following error message:
Error using movmean Invalid data type. First input argument must be numeric or logical.
If I return tt.Var5, Matlab shows me that its a "M*1 tall double column vector" – so I cannot explain why the movmean function does not work.
Thanks a lot in adavce

Best Answer

Support for using movmean on tall arrays was added in release R2017a.