MATLAB: Taking values out of a vector


What is the meaning of the following statement?
Where column is a variable with a size of N
column = % some set of values
N = size(column)
column([1 N(1):-1:2])
In general when we use a paranthese infront of the variable name, we are taking the values of the positions in the vector
Using the syntax of
we get all the values corresponding to the appropriate row/column,
But what happens when you input an array as shown above in the same parentheses.

Best Answer

"What is the meaning of the following statement?"
It really is just basic MATLAB operations.
1- The square brackets and the colon operator simply define a vector of these values:
2- that vector of values is used as a index into column.
Assuming that column is a vector, the effect is to access the elements (2:end) of column in reverse order, with the first element still in the first position. It would probably be simpler to use end: