MATLAB: Taking the mean of rand generated matrix.

MATLABmeanranduniform distribution

I have been asked to create a matrix of uniform data of size nxn using the rand function. Then I am to average across the 2nd dimension using the mean function and then plot the results.
Here is what I have so far:
%Number of datapoints
samples = 100;
%Create a Matrix of samples (nxn)
dataUniform = rand(samples);
I am then trying to get the mean of the second dimension doing the following:
meanData = mean(dataUniform,2);
No matter what way I try the mean function I get the following error on the line with the mean function:
Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.
Can anyone let me know where I am going wrong? I assume it is because the matrix produced is from the values of 0 to 1 all of which being decimals.
Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

Somewhere/sometime earlier in your session you've created an array entitled mean which has aliased the builtin mean function.
To prove this, type
which mean
to see what's being referenced. You'll undoubtedly discover it's a variable now, not the function.
To solve the problem
clear mean
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