MATLAB: Taking samples from a vector

forfor loopMATLABvectorization

I have the vector psi. It has too many items and I cannot copy and paste the values in a txt file to plot a graph in Latex.
Would be great to have a small code to take a sample like every 5 or 10 items to reduce the size and create a new file psi_short.
It won't lose the shape since its dicretization is very high.
I wrote this but it doesn change anithyng:
for i=1:length(psi)
psi_short(i) =psi(i);

Best Answer

Try these:
D = load('psi.mat');
psi = D.psi; % (10962 x 1)
Every5 = psi(1:5:end); % (2193 x 1)
Every10 = psi(1:10:end); % (1097 x 1)