MATLAB: Taking middle 4 values of n size array

indexingmiddle values of array

I know how to take the first 4 values of an n size array (1:4)
and the last 4 (end-4:end)
but how would I take the middle 4 values of an n size array no matter the length?

Best Answer

You could use something like, for an array A
n = length(A(:)) % : treats as column even if this is actually a multidimensional array
midpoint = round(n/2)
select = A(midpoint-1:midpoint+2); % slightly unsymmetrical 1 before, 2 after
Note, you may have to further clarify, what your really mean by "middle 4". There are two sources of asymmetry inherent in taking the "middle 4". If there are an even number of elements then the "middle" one is either closer to one end or the other. Also as you are taking an even number (4) elements then either they are offset one way or the other from the selected middle element