MATLAB: Take mininum over only two dimensions of 4-d array


I have a 4-D array array=[i,j,k,l]. For given values of i and j, I would like to know the minimum value in the array for any k or l, as well as the values of k and l for this value.
Basically I'd like something like [min_value, min_k, min_l]=min (array,[],3:4)
but min, as far as I can tell, doesn't take minima over multiple dimensions.
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

sub_array = array(i,j,:,:);
[V X] = min(sub_array(:));
[I J K L] = ind2sub(size(sub_array),X);
The minimum value in the specified sub array will be V, and the indexes for the 3rd and 4th dimensions will be K and L.