MATLAB: Take a 4×1 and 4×2 matrix and create a 4×2 matrix instead of a 4×4

arrayMATLABmatrix manipulation

I have the following data that I am trying to put into an array, but I am not finding the right combination of bracketing to make this work:
% state_rotate is fixed to these values of 4x2 double array
% state_indx gets set in other parts of the code; it can be 1;1;1;1 to 2;2;2;2 only using 1 or 2 as digits
state_indx = [1;2;2;1];
% take and using state_index (1 or 2 value) which state "wins"
For this example the end result is
win_state = [1;3;4;2]
What i would like to do is use a more compact notation to assign values to win_state. Something along the lines of:
This notation gives me a 4×4 matrix with what appears to be the correct values diagonally. I would like to not use a for loop but do the right type of matrix calculations.
I am still learning matlab, and it seemed maybe reshape could help, but I don't want to create the larger matrix since if I scale this code this matrix can get rather large.

Best Answer

Here is the compact notation using sub2ind()
state_indx = [1;2;2;1];
idx = sub2ind(size(state_rotate), 1:size(state_rotate,1), state_indx.');
win_state = state_rotate(idx);