MATLAB: Taget function library error.

Embedded Coderembedded matlab functionsimulinktarget function library error

I have simulated a DAC model using Simulink. It runs perfectly fine, as long as I am concerned with just getting an analog output. Now, I want to integrate an M-file into it which would give me the FFT of the output. For this I have introduced the Embedded MATLAB function block in my model (containing the code for generating FFT). Now, when I run the same model( with the additional Embedded MATLAB function block added) I get the following error: "Target Function library is missing or does not contain a valid TFL table". I have faced this error before and its really annoying. Plus I have tried to use "restoredefaultpath" but I don't want to work from the default path.
PLease resolve.
Regards, Sharjeel.

Best Answer

Is it the same error as this? Have you tried just:
rehash toolboxcache
rehash toolboxreset
This won't override your path settings. (Unless your MATLAB toolbox-related paths have been tampered with, you shouldn't need to run "restoredefaultpath")