MATLAB: Table variable comparison.


So I have a table ( lq is the variable name) with a lot of data. The first 2 columns are ip addresses and the next 2 rows are some data related to that. the column names are like:
ip neighbour blah blah2
So I need to make subtables from certain data in this table, I wrote:
T1 = table(lq.ip=='',lq.neighbor=='', timestamp,lq);
Which sadly, doesn't create a new table with all the datapoints for ip value and neighbour value as shown. Where have I mistaken?

Best Answer

1) Do not use == to compare strings, use strcmp
2) This is not how you index tables at all
%if you want all the columns for the matching rows:
newtable = lq(strcmp(lq.ip, '') & strcmp(lq.neighbor, ''), :)
%if you just want the timestamp column:
newtable = lq(strcmp(lq.ip, '') & strcmp(lq.neighbor, ''), lq.timestamp)