MATLAB: Table having entries as points of elliptic curves

elliptic curvetable

I have 123387×2 arrays entries of elliptic curve points. I want to make a table of mxn order and also have to neglect the points having same x value, only take one point for each x-value

Best Answer

I assume you have 123387 (x,y) points, want to filter out points with the same x coordinate (pick one randomly for each x value), and then store it an appropriate table such that each cell contains an (x,y) tuple. You can first convert the matrix to a table, which would make life easier. The following might help:
mat = randi(100,100,2); %sample points
a = array2table(mat);
a = sortrows(a);
A = table2array(a);
[B, ia] = unique(A(:,1));
C = A(ia,2);
D = [B C];
%now you have your unique points, insert them into your m x n table as required