MATLAB: Table and readtable Error “Invalid default value for property ‘varDim’ in class ‘table’:”


I am getting this error when trying to read data as either a XLSX and CSV file into a table both using readtable, and by manually reading in the data and constructing a table. I am running Matlab 2018a, and have also tried previous versions.
I see some answers to similar Errors involving duplicated scripts named "table", but I don't see any spurious duplicate named scripts in my path.
I am stumped and would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks!
>> AllPoints = readtable('ScarpProf.xlsx')
Error using readtable (line 197)
Invalid default value for property 'varDim' in class 'table':
The VariableNames property must contain one name for each variable in the table.
>> [dist,elev] = textread(file,'%f %f','delimiter',',','headerlines',1);
>> table(dist,elev)
Error using matlab.internal.tabular.private.tabularDimension/init_impl (line 194)
Invalid default value for property 'varDim' in class 'table':
The VariableNames property must contain one name for each variable in the table.
Error in matlab.internal.tabular.private.varNamesDim/init (line 54)
obj = init_impl(obj,dimLength,dimLabels);
Error in matlab.internal.tabular.private.varNamesDim (line 48)
obj = obj.init(length,labels);
>> table(dist,elev,'VariableNames',{'Distance','Elevation'})
Error using matlab.internal.tabular.private.tabularDimension/init_impl (line 194)
Invalid default value for property 'varDim' in class 'table':
The VariableNames property must contain one name for each variable in the table.
Error in matlab.internal.tabular.private.varNamesDim/init (line 54)
obj = init_impl(obj,dimLength,dimLabels);
Error in matlab.internal.tabular.private.varNamesDim (line 48)
obj = obj.init(length,labels);

Best Answer

Ok, I never found which was the script that was conflicted, but after moving all of my own scripts to the bottom of my path (as is the preferred way!), it now works just fine.