MATLAB: System identification toolbox

system identificationSystem Identification Toolbox

I need to find transfer function equation by using MATLAB System Identification Toolbox. But in this GUI, I only get polynomial equation.
My question is, how to convert this polynomial equation to transfer function equation?
hope you can help me.. Thanks…

Best Answer

  • If you use Output-Error (OE) model structure, then the ratio of the polynomials B and F is your transfer function: TF := B(q)/F(q)
  • You can export any identified model into MATLAB workspace and run TFDATA command on it to fetch numerator (Num) and denominator (Den) polynomials. Then the transfer function is Num/Den.
  • In release R2012a, you can identify a transfer function model directly in the GUI. Use Estimate popup menu option "Transfer Function Models".
  • You can convert an identified linear model into TF model of Control System Toolbox by using "TF" command, as in: sys = tf(sys, 'measured').
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