MATLAB: System Identification TB GUI hands when drag’n dropping databox

guigui hangsMATLABsystem identificationSystem Identification Toolbox

I'm using the System Identification Toolbox for… well, the identification of systems 🙂
The TB includes a handy GUI for model parameter identification and various other tasks. The problem is that when I use the gui, and use "drag'n drop" to select data sets for parameter estimation and validation (or to delete them etc.), the GUI – and the rest of MATLAB – hangs. That is, the GUI and MATLAB do not respond to any inputs and the mouse pointer turns into the "processing" pointer (a "glittery" circle). When I move out of MATLAB, e.g. activate another program in the task bar, and then return to MATLAB, everything's OK and responsive again, but the problem persists – the original task of selecting a data series did not get done nor can I do it again.
Nowadays (with Win 7) this occurs rather regularly, before (with Win XP) never and about a month ago (with Win 7) only occasionally. Current system is Windows 7 Enterprise (SP 1) and MATLAB R2009b. The graphics card is an Intel on-board graphics card (laptop PC).
Does anyone have a clue what might be causing the problem and how could I circumvent / fix it? (I am already using the command line identification functions to carry out my work, but the GUI would certainly be handier at times.)
Thanks, Antti Pohjoranta / VTT Fuel cells

Best Answer

Hi Antti, Could you please submit a help request to tech support. That would be the best way to troubleshoot your problem.