MATLAB: System Identification – Frequency Domain

frequency_domainSystem Identification Toolboxsystem_identification

I am trying to model the transfer function for the plant of a magnetic actuator. The input is in current (A) and output is distance moved x (mm). A sine sweep is run as disturbance and the input output plot looks like this:
Since it is a sine sweep, i convert the data into frequency domain as follows:
I am trying to identify the transfer function for this frequency domain plot. I use this as an idfrd data. I do manage to find a 6th order transfer function that fits the data. The corresponding code is as follows:
f_data=idfrd(H3c,fc,t_loop,'FrequencyUnit','Hz','Name', 'Openloop Plant', ...
'InputName', 'currrent', 'OutputName', 'xdist',...
'InputUnit', 'A', 'OutputUnit', 'mm');
f_data.InterSample = 'zoh';
hold on
From this, I get the following match:
The problem is, I can't get this back in the time domain. Or atleast, it is becoming unstable in the time domain like follows:
Can anybody give any suggestions as to why this is happening and what to do to make it right?

Best Answer

Make an attempt with stability enforced.
opt = tfestOptions('EnforceStability', true);
Also, you don't necessarily need to generate FRD representation for frequency domain identification (conversion of time domaoin data to FRD is itself an estimation problem, subject to bias/variance considerations). You could try something like this too:
Time_Domain_Data = iddata(y,t,Ts);
Frequency_Domain_Data = fft(Time_Domain_Data);